Kiwanis Club of Somerville MA

200+ Presents Delivered to CAAS Head Start

Another very successful year where Kiwanis Members, supporters (including P.E.O. Chapter AE of Boston), and friends provided Community Action Agency of Somerville CAAS Head Start Program with presents for 200 young children.

Holiday Tri Club Meeting – Toys for Tots!!

30+ members from Somerville Rotary, Lyons, and Kiwanis met at The BURREN for our December 12th Tri-Club event in support of the US Marine’s Toys For Tots Program! Great food, lots of fun, and we all donated enough presents to fill a van.
In addition – Middlesex Federal Savings donated $2000 to Toys for Tots Foundation. Thank you!

Projects and activities you could join!

Kiwanis Club of Somerville

Why did we join?

From our archives – our 90th Anniversary

What is Kiwanis?

Here is a quick video that explains what Kiwanis is.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us or apply to join our Kiwanis club here.

Donations and Payments

Donations and Payments to Kiwanis Club of Somerville
Thank you for your donation or payment!

Donations are not tax deductible
